Sensori di pressione
SDX Series
Compensated. Calibrated.mV output. Low noise. Small size. High impedance. Corrosion resistant. Prime grade avail.
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Pressure Ranges
- 1 psi to 100 psi
The SDX series sensors provide a very cost effective solution for pressure applications that require small size plus performance. These calibrated and temperature compensated sensors give an accurate and stable output over a 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] temperature range. This series is intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic working fluids such as air and dry gases.
Devices are available to measure absolute and gage pressures from 1 psi (SDX01) up to 100 psi (SDX100). The absolute devices have an internal vacuum reference and an output voltage proportional to absolute pressure.
SDX Sensors are available in standard commercial and prime grades (SDXxxxyy-A) to allow optimization of accuracy and cost in any given application.
The SDX devices feature an integrated circuit (IC) sensor element and laser trimmed thick film ceramic housed in a compact solvent resistant case. The package is a double-wide (i.e. 0.600 inches lead spacing) dual-inline package (DIP). This is the same familiar package used by IC manufacturers except it is only 11,94 mm [0.470 in] long and has a pressure port(s). The pc board area used by each DIP is approximately 0.26 in x 0.26 in. This extremely small size enables the use of multiple sensors in limited available space. The DIP provides excellent corrosion resistance and isolation to external package stress.
The DIP mounts on a pc board like a standard IC with through-hole pins. The pins anchor the pressure sensor to the pc board and provide a more secure and stable unit than other types of packages. The output of the bridge is ratiometric to the supply voltage and operation from any Vdc supply voltage up to 20 Vdc is acceptable.
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