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[{"backgroundImage":"/content/dam/sps/en/images/horizontal/ia-pss-red-dot-and-if-design-2024-2880x1440.jpg","newsSubTitle":"Manufacturing","newsTitle":"Honeywell’s Industrial Automation and Building Automation businesses have received recognition from Red Dot and iF Design in their annual international design competitions.","newsDate":"2024-05-15T04:00:00Z","newsLink":"/content/sps/us/en/news/featured-stories/2024/honeywell-solutions-win-16-international-design-awards","newsOpenIn":"_blank"},{"backgroundImage":"/content/dam/process/en/events/2024/americas-channel-partner-conference/images/2024-Blank-Channel-Partner-Conferences-Background-web.png","newsSubTitle":"Productivity","newsTitle":"Honeywell Recognizes Top Performing Channel Partners at the 2024 Americas Channel Partner Conference","newsDate":"2024-06-01T04:00:00Z","newsLink":"/content/sps/us/en/news/featured-stories/2024/honeywell-recognizes-channel-partners-at-2024-americas-cpc","newsOpenIn":"_blank"},{"backgroundImage":"/content/dam/automation/en/news/press-release/images/hon-ia-press-release-honeywell-weatherford-partner-oil-and-gas.jpg","newsSubTitle":"Manufacturing","newsTitle":"Honeywell And Weatherford Partner To Deliver A New Emissions Management Solution For The Oil And Gas Industry","newsDate":"2024-05-09T03:00:00Z","newsLink":"/content/sps/us/en/news/press-releases/2024/honeywell-and-weatherford-partner-to-deliver-a-new-emissions-management-solution","newsOpenIn":"_blank"}]
[{"productImage":"/content/dam/honeywell-edam/sps/siot/en-gb/images/sps-siot-products-hero-tile.jpg","productTitle":"Sensing Solutions","productText":"Engineering precision for critical industrial applications","productCtaText":"MORE INFORMATION","productOpenLinkIn":"_blank","productCtaLink":"/content/sps/it/it/products/sensing-solutions"},{"productImage":"/content/dam/honeywellbt/en/images/horizontal/sps-ppr-products-hero-image.jpg","productTitle":"Productivity Solutions","productText":"Helping Organizations Around the World Break Down Barriers and Achieve Operational Excellence","productCtaText":"MORE INFORMATION","productOpenLinkIn":"_blank","productCtaLink":"/content/sps/it/it/products/productivity-solutions"},{"productImage":"/content/dam/sps/en/images/carousel-images/h_safety.png","productTitle":"Personal Protective Equipment","productText":"Designed for comfort. At Honeywell PPE, safety is in our DNA. Every single day, hundreds of millions of people work in hazardous environments, and rely on their safety equipment to get them home every night. ","productCtaText":"MORE INFORMATION","productOpenLinkIn":"_blank","productCtaLink":"/content/sps/it/it/products/personal-protective-equipment"}]
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Due to our dealing with the US Government and other governments and military entities around the world, Honeywell Building Technologies has compliance policies that require due diligence to ensure we are not conducting business with denied parties.
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