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Solutions by Technology
Next-generation Warehouse Automation Software and Fulfillment Solutions
Honeywell Intelligrated offers one of the broadest portfolios of advanced automation technologies and software in the industry — from conventional solutions to the latest warehouse robotics, to hybrid solutions that combine the strengths of multiple technologies. You’ll also get world-class service and support that goes beyond the technology itself, helping you to identify and implement the solutions that will deliver the best possible results for your operation.
Explore the links below for more information about key warehouse automation technologies from Honeywell Intelligrated.
AS/RSFlexible, scalable AS/RS shuttle systems enable distribution center (DC) operators to improve throughput, maximize warehouse capacity, and lower operating costs.
Conveyor SystemsOur extensive variety of conveyor equipment, software and controls provides high throughput rates and predictable results with reliable operation and minimal maintenance.
Order Picking & Putting TechnologiesEfficient pick-to-light (PTL) and put wall systems are key to solving evolving challenges in SKU proliferation, varying order profiles and seasonal demands.
Palletizing & DepalletizingKeep packaging, distribution and fulfillment (D&F) operations moving at peak efficiency with smart, flexible palletizing and depalletizing solutions.
Honeywell RoboticsOur portfolio of warehouse robotics solutions is designed for a wide range of distribution, fulfillment and manufacturing operations.
Sortation SystemsAdvance your automated material handling system with sortation conveyors, software and controls capable of handling virtually any packaging type.
Solutions by Technology
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