
    Legal Documents

    • This page contains legal documents for conducting business with Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Please select the relevant documents below for the country of the Honeywell selling entity.
    • Cette page contient des documents juridiques pour la conduite des affaires avec Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Veuillez sélectionner ci-dessous pour le pays de l'entité de vente Honeywell.
    • Diese Seite enthält rechtliche Dokumente für die Durchführung von Geschäften mit Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Bitte wählen Sie unten die relevanten Dokumente für das Land des Honeywell-Vertriebsunternehmens aus.
    • Questa pagina contiene i documenti legali per condurre gli affari con Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Selezionare i documenti pertinenti di seguito per il paese dell'entità di vendita Honeywell.
    • Denna sida innehåller juridiska dokument för att göra affärer med Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Vänligen välj de relevanta dokumenten nedan för landet för den Honeywell-säljande enheten.
    • Esta página contiene documentos legales para realizar negocios con Honeywell Warehouse Automation. Seleccione los documentos relevantes a continuación para el país del dispositivo de venta de Honeywell.
    BRAZIL  (1)
    BRAZIL  (1)
    General Terms and Conditions - Brazil - Portuguese
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    CANADA  (1)
    CANADA  (1)
    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) - Canada - English
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    CHINA  (1)
    CHINA  (1)
    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) - China - Chinese (Simplified)
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    LATAM  (2)
    LATAM  (2)
    General Terms and Conditions - MX LATAM - Spanish
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    Terms & Conditions of Sale (CoS) - LATAM - Bilingual (English/Spanish)
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    JAPAN  (1)
    JAPAN  (1)
    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) - Japan - English
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    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) - Intelligrated - USA - English
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    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) M2M - Intelligrated - USA - English
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    Terms and Conditions of Sale (CoS) - Transnorm - USA - English
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