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Sortation Systems Hero Image
Sortation Systems Hero Image

Sortation Systems

Integrated Conveyor, Software and Controls for Accurate, High-speed Sortation of Multiple Product Types

Sortation conveyors, software and controls are mission-critical components of today’s most efficient and productive automated material handling systems. With more than 100 years of experience, thousands of installations and numerous industry innovations, Honeywell Intelligrated is a recognized leader in sortation conveyors used in demanding e-commerce, post and parcel, and wholesale distribution operations.

Regardless of your specific sortation requirements or operational demands, our sortation conveyors and warehouse execution systems can accommodate virtually any product size, shape and throughput capacity. With the widest range of sortation options in the industry from which to choose, you can maximize throughput with a system optimized to meet your operational needs for years of reliable, low-maintenance operation.

Through the years, we’ve received many patents for our innovative sortation conveyor technologies, such as soft touch and dynamic discharge compensation. And, we will continue to pioneer solutions to help customers address emerging sortation challenges. Our experienced sortation integration experts can effectively analyze your application requirements to provide a best-fit solution. 

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