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Technology For The Utility Transformation

Honeywell software offerings bring greater processing power and faster analytics to utilities.

Achieve Greater Performance With Actionable Insights

End-to-end software solutions from Honeywell help create a smarter, faster, more resilient grid. Our offerings facilitate reliable network communication and help empower next-generation management of utilities for more efficient, productive work. 

Driven by data, Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Utilities, Connexo® and Connexo® NetSense put actionable insights in the hands of utilities and constantly work to improve the connectivity, cybersecurity and accuracy of operations.

Honeywell Forge Performance+ for Utilities


Connexo NetSense

Our Resources

Extracting Maximum Value of AMI Through Unified Data and Cloud Analytics
Extracting Maximum Value of AMI Through Unified Data and Cloud Analytics
Honeywell Forge for Utilities unifies the collection, curation and validation of data and provides holistic visualization of the grid.
read whitepaper
Connexo® MultiSense: Simplifying the Utility Journey
Connexo® MultiSense: Simplifying the Utility Journey
From initial data collection to comprehensive analysis, manage your entire smart data flow with a single application.
READ brochure
Connexo® MultiSense: Sensing Every Part of an Evolving Grid
Connexo® MultiSense: Sensing Every Part of an Evolving Grid
Learn about the multi-vendor data collection system that supports residential, commercial and industrial use cases.
Defending against utility cyberattacks with Honeywell and AMI 2.0
Defending against utility cyberattacks with Honeywell and AMI 2.0
Honeywell's AMI 2.0 solutions are backed by a strong legacy of cybersecurity and come standard with advanced features that help harden assets, systems and data from disruptive utility cyberattacks
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Emerging trends in Utilities
Emerging trends in Utilities
Every industry experiences change and disruption if it’s around long enough
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Realizing the promise of renewable energy
Realizing the promise of renewable energy
Realizing the promise of renewable energy to help revitalize our world
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Connect with a Honeywell Smart Energy Engineer

Talk to Honeywell to discover how our end-to-end solutions and services can put the power of data in your hands and help you take the next step towards a smarter approach to managing your utilities.
