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Discontinued Productivity Products

The Honeywell Productivity Support Lifecycle Process – (Mobility, Scan, Print Products)

Products reach the end of their Product Life Cycle for a variety of reasons. Factors may include parts or repair resource availability, technology innovation, or the products are no longer economically feasible to continue support. At Honeywell, we determine retirement dates for legacy products by taking all of these factors into consideration.

We recognize that support-milestone announcements (when a product reaches “End of Build,” “End of Contract,” or “End of Service”) may prompt companies to evaluate their current business environment, including their device and support solutions roadmap. With that in mind, we have developed this website section to help customers manage their roadmap transitions, and to provide a clearer understanding of the assistance Honeywell can offer – including assistance in migration to alternative Honeywell products and solutions.

Support Lifecycle Definitions

Current Products: This refers to products currently manufactured and sold by Honeywell. These products are fully supported, and are not included in this section.

Retiring Products: This refers to products that have entered into their last year of manufacturing. These products can still be purchased and are still fully supported. Retiring products will only be listed on this section once a formal Product Retirement Notice has been issued.

End-of-Build or EOB: This refers to products that are no longer manufactured by Honeywell. In some circumstances, customers can still order EOB products in small quantities from remaining inventory, but typically, EOB products are no longer available to order. Products in this phase have maintenance contract availability as well as technical support services.

End-of-Contract or EOC: This refers to products that are no longer supported by maintenance contracts. Support may be available on a time and material basis only.

End-of-Service or EOS: This refers to products for which Honeywell is no longer able to provide Technical or Maintenance service.

Support for Discontinued Products

To find out the current support status for discontinued Honeywell products and their recommended replacements, please see the additional tabs in this Discontinued Products section. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

If you are unable to locate the support information you are looking for, please contact Customer Support.

Please note that telephone support may not be available for End-of-Service products. For information on an EOS product, we recommend searching the Technical Support Portal.

Discontinued Computer Devices

This page lists discontinued or retired computer devices, including their current Support Lifecycle status, and the recommended Honeywell replacement product(s). Products are grouped by device type and by Lifecycle status.

  • Note: To quickly check whether a specific computer is listed on this page, you can use your browser's "Find" function (typically this command can be accessed via "Ctrl-F" on a PC, or "Cmd-F" on a Mac).


To access other support for any Honeywell product, whether current or discontinued, please see the navigation links at upper left, where you can access our product knowledge base known as Knowledge Central, Product Downloads, User Manuals, and more. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

Model Lifecycle Status End of Life/Build Last Renewal Date End of Service Replacement
5100 End of Service 7-2019 12-2019 12-2020 6110
60S End of Contract 1-2019 12-2021 12-2022 EDA51, EDA50K
6100 End of Service 5-2016 12-2018 12-2019 6110
6110 End of Contract 9-2019 10-2021 12-2022 EDA50K
6210 End of Service 5-2016 12-2019 12-2020 No replacement
6500 End of Service 5-2016 12-2018 12-2019 6510
6510 End of Contract 12-2019 12-2021 12-2022 EDA50K
7800 End of Service 4-2017 12-2019 12-2020 CT60, CN80
99xx *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    99ex/99gx - Gobi Radio End of Service 8-2015 12-2018 12-2019 CN80
    99ex/99gx End of Build 12-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CN80
CK3R End of Build 1-2021 12-2025 12-2026 EDA61K
CK3X End of Build 1-2021 12-2025 12-2026 EDA61K, CK65
CK70 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    CK70 End of Service 10-2015 12-2019 12-2020 CN80
    CK70 - Flexible Radio End of Service 11-2015 12-2019 12-2020 CT60, CN80
    CK70 - UMTS Radio End of Service 8-2016 12-2019 12-2020 CT60, CN80
    CK70 - WLAN, CDMA End of Contract 1-2018 12-2021 12-2022 CK65
    CK70 - RFID, NI End of Build 9-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CN80
    CK70G End of Build 1-2019 12-2022 12-2023 CN80G
CK71 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    CK71 End of Service 9-2015 12-2019 12-2020 CK65
    CK71 - WEH 6.5 End of Contract 12-2017 1220-21 12-2022 CK65
    CK71 - RFID, NI End of Build 9-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CN80
    CK71G End of Build 1-2019 12-2022 12-2023 CN80G
CK75 End of Build 1-2021 12-2025 12-2026 CK65
CN3 End of Life 1-2014 12-2014 12-2019 No Replacement
CN50 End of Life 5-2015 12-2015 12-2020 No Replacement
CN51 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    CN51 - No Camera, No Imager, EA31, Chinese SKUs End of Service 7-2016 12-2020 12-2021 CT40, CT60 XP
    CN51 End of Build 1-2021 12-2023 12-2024 CT40, CT60 XP
CN70 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    CN70 - Flexible Radio End of Service 11-2015 12-2019 12-20 CT60, CN80
    CN70 - UMTS Radio End of Service 8-2016 12-2019 12-2020 CT60, CN80
    CN70 - WLAN, CDMA End of Contract 1-2018 12-2021 12-2022 CN80
    CN70 - RFID, NI End of Build 9-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CN80
    CN70E End of Life 3-2019 12-2019 12-2023 No Replacement
    CN70G End of Build 1-2019 12-2022 12-2023 CN80G
CN75/CN75e End of Build 1-2021 12-2024 12-2026 CT60 XP, CN80
CN80 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    CN80 *Select SKUs only End of Build 5-2021 12-2027 12-2028 CN80
CT40 Gen1 & Gen2 End of Life 11-2024 12-2028 12-2029 CT37
    CT50 - Verizon Radio End of Service 4-2018 12-2020 12-2021 CT40, CT60
    CT50 End of Contract 12-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CT40, CT60
    CT50h End of Contract 12-2018 12-2022 12-2023 CT40H, EDA51
CV41 End of Build 1-2019 12-2023 12-2024 VM1A
CV61 End of Service 3-2016 12-2020 12-2021 VM3 Windows 10 2019
D70e *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    D70e WEH End of Service 12-2017 12-2020 12-2021 CT40 
    D70e Android End of Service 7-2017 12-2019 12-2020 CT40
D75e End of Contract 12-2018 9-2021 12-2022 CT40, CT60, CN80
EDA50 End of Contract 11-2019 12-2021 12-2022 EDA51
EDA50K End of Build 11-2021 12-2023 12-2024 EDA51K
EDA60K End of Build 12-2020 12-2022 12-2023 EDA61K, CK65
EDA70 End of Contract 11-2020 12-2020 12-2023 EDA71
FC3 End of Service 12-2016 12-2020 12-2021 CT60, CN80
HX3A End of Service 3-2015 1-2017 6-2020 No Replacement 
MX7L/T End of Contract 1-2018 5-2020 12-2022 CK65
MX9 End of Service 3-2015 1-2017 6-2020 CK65
SL22 End of Life 11-2022 12-2023 3-2025 No Replacement 
SL42 End of Life 11-2022 12-2023 3-2025 No Replacement 
SL62 End of Service 12-2017 12-2019 12-2020 No Replacement
VM1 End of Build 6-2019 12-2023 12-2024 VM1A
VM2 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    VM2 End of Build 10-2021 12-2025 12-2026 VM3 Windows 10 2019
    VM2 - WES 7, Windows 7 End of Service 5-2017 5-2022 12-2022 VM3 Windows 10 2019
VM3 *Service lifecycle dates vary by SKU. Please contact customer support for more details.
    VM3W CES, WES, Win 7, Win 10 2015/2016 End of Life 10-2021 12-2025 12-2026 VM3 Windows 10 2019
VX9B  End of Service 8-2015 12-2019 12-2020 VM3 Windows 10 2019


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.


Discontinued Printers

This page lists discontinued or retired printers, including their current Support Lifecycle status, and the recommended Honeywell replacement product(s). Products are grouped by device type and by Lifecycle status.

  • Note: To quickly check whether a specific printer is listed on this page, you can use your browser's "Find" function (typically this command can be accessed via "Ctrl-F" on a PC, or "Cmd-F" on a Mac).


To access other support for any Honeywell product, whether current or discontinued, please see the navigation links at upper left, where you can access our product knowledge base known as Knowledge Central, Product Downloads, User Manuals, and more. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

(View the Datamax to Honeywell Transition Guide Matrix for detailed replacement model specs for A-Class, M-Class, H-Class, I-Class and E-Class printers.)

Model Lifecycle Status End of Life/Build Last Renewal Date End of Service Replacement
3240 End of Service 2-2013 12-2018 12-2019  
6822 End of Service 4-2018 2-2020 7-2021 6824
A-Class End of Service 10-2021 12-2020 6-2022  
Andes 3 End of Service 6-2014 12-2015 6-2017 OC3, RL3, Apex 3
Apex End of Build 7-2022 12-2024 12-2025 RP4E
E-Class Mark II End of Service 1-2012   1-2017 E-Class Mark III
E-Class Mark III End of Build 2-2022 12-2024 12-2025 PC45
E-Class Mark III Pro Plus End of Service 11-2015 12-2016 8-2018 E-Class Mark III Pro
E-Class Mark III with Wireless Radio End of Build 12-2027 12-2022 12-2023 PC42, PC45, PC23
E-Class w Peel & Present, only select SKUs End of Service 12-2017 12-2018 12-2019 E-Class standard options
H-8308P End of Contract 9-2018 1-2022 12-2023 PC45d, H-Class
H-Class End of Service 10-2021 12-2020 6-2022 PX940
I -Class Mark I End of Service 11-2012 11-2016 11-2017 I-Class Mark II
I-Class End of Build 5-2022 12-2025 12-2026 PM43
LP3 End of Service 11-2018 10-2020 1-2022 PR3, RL3E
M-Class End of Build 1-2022 12-2024 12-2025 PD45
MF2te End of Service 5-2018 9-2019 9-2021 RP2
MF4te End of Service 5-2018 9-2019 9-2021 RP4
MP Compact Mark II End of Service 5-2017 12-2019 12-2020 MP Compact Mark III XF-XK series
MP Compact Mobile Mark II End of Service 5-2017 12-2019 12-2020 MP Compact Mark III XF-XK series
MP Compact Mobile Wireless End of Service 2-2016 2-2016 12-2018 MP Compact Mark III
MP Compact Wireless End of Service 2-2016 2-2016 12-2018 MP Compact Mark III
MP Nova End of Contract 7-2021 7-2021 12-2022 PM Nova Replacement SKUs start with: X71, X72, X74,X75, X78, X82, X91, X92, X93 Direct Replacement, old accessories compatible
OC Series w/ Magnetic Card Option End of Service 4-2022 4-2022 8-2022 Apex 2, Apex 3
OC2 End of Service 5-2018 9-2019 9-2020 RP2 & RP4
OC3 200333-100 End of Contract 3-2020 12-2020 12-2022 PB31, RL3e
OC3 w/ fixed width option End of Service 4-2022 4-2022 8-2022 Apex 3
P1115, P1120n, P1125, P1115s, P1725, End of Contract 9-2018 6-2022 12-2023 PC45d, H-Class
PA30 End of Service 6-2015 12-2017 12-2018 A-Class, PX series
PB21 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PB22 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PB31 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PB32 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PB42 End of Service 2-2017 5-2019 1-2021 PB51
PB50 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PB51 End of Build 1-2021 4-2023 4-2024 RPe series
PC41 End of Service 12-2012 12-2016 12-2017 PC series
PD41B End of Service 6-2017 12-2019 12-2020 PD45
PD42B End of Service 6-2017 12-2019 12-2020 PD45
PF2i End of Service 6-2016 12-2019 12-2020 PM43C
PF4i End of Service 6-2016 12-2019 12-2020 PM43C
PF8 End of Service 3-2013 12-2017 12-2018 PC45, PC23
PM43 End of Build 4-2022 12-2025 12-2026 PM45
PM4i End of Service 1-2014 12-2018 12-2019 PM43, PM43c
PR2 End of Build 6-2020 12-2022 12-2023 MPD31D
PR2A End of Build 10-2020 12-2022 12-2023 MPD31D
PR3 End of Build 6-2020 12-2022 12-2023 MPD31D
PR3A End of Build 10-2020 12-2022 12-2023 PR3A3006
PW50 End of Contract 12-2017 12-2021 12-2022 RP4
PW50 End of Contract 12-2017 12-2021 12-2022 RP4
PX4C End of Contract 2-2020 6-2022 12-2024 PX45
PX6C End of Contract 2-2020 6-2022 12-2024 PX65
RL3 - wireless versions End of Service 12-2016 3-2019 12-2020 non-wireless versions
RL3E End of Build 5-2022 12-2023 12-2024 RP2E
RL4 - wireless versions End of Service 12-2016 3-2019 12-2020 non-wireless versions
RL4E End of Build 5-2022 12-2023 12-2024 RP4E
RP2e End of Build 3-2023 12-2025 12-2026 RP2f
RP4e End of Build 3-2023 12-2025 12-2026 RP4f
SKUs starting with: X41, X42, X44, X45, X48, X52,X61, X62, X63, End of Contract 12-2017 7-2021 12-2022 MP Nova III
SKUs starting with: XA4, XB1, XB6, XC3, XC4, XD7, Xd8, X43, X50 End of Service 2-2012   2-2017 MP Compact Mark III
W1110 End of Contract 9-2018 6-2022 12-2023 PC45d, PC23,H-Class, E-Class Mark III
Workstation End of Build 4-2021 12-2023 12-2024 PC45


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.

Discontinued Barcode Scanners

This page lists discontinued or retired bar code scanners, including their current Support Lifecycle status, and the recommended Honeywell replacement product(s). Products are grouped by device type and by Lifecycle status.

  • Note: To quickly check whether a specific scanner is listed on this page, you can use your browser's "Find" function (typically this command can be accessed via "Ctrl-F" on a PC, or "Cmd-F" on a Mac).


To access other support for any Honeywell product, whether current or discontinued, please see the navigation links at upper left, where you can access our product knowledge base known as Knowledge Central, Product Downloads, User Manuals, and more. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

Model Lifecycle Status End of Life/Build Last Renewal Date End of Service Replacement
1280i End of life 12-2023 12-2023 12-2026 Granit 1990iXLR
1450g1D End of Life 11-2022 12-2022 12-2022 Hyperion 1300g, Voyager 1470g
1450g2D End of Life 10-2019 9-2023 12-2024 1470g
1452g End of Life 10-2019 9-2023 12-2024 1472g
1452g (APAC PRN Revision) End of Contract 12-2019 9-2021 12-2022 1472g
1900g End of Life 2-2020 12-2023 12-2024 Xenon 1960g
1900hHD-0, 1900hSR-0 End of Service 4-2016 12-2020 12-2021 Xenon 1960g
1900hHD-5, 1900hSR-5 End of Life 1-2020 12-2023 12-2024 Xenon 1960h
1902g End of Life 1-2020 12-2023 12-2025 Xenon 1962g
1902g-BF End of Life 1-2020 12-2023 12-2025 1952g/h BF
1902hHD-0USB-5F End of Service 11-2016 12-2019 12-2020 Xenon 1962h
1902hHD-5 End of Life 1-2020 12-2023 12-2025 Xenon 1962h
1902hSR-0 End of Service 4-2016 12-2020 12-2021 Xenon 1962
191Xi End of Life 6-2021 12-2023 12-2024 199Xi
1950h End of life 7-2024 12-2028 12-2029 Xenon 1960h
1952h End of life 7-2024 12-2028 12-2029 Xenon 1960h
1980i End of life 5-2023 5-2023 5-2026 Granit 1990iXLR
1981i End of life 5-2023 5-2023 5-2026 Granit 1991iXLR
2300 End of Service 10-2015 12-2017 10-2020 No Honeywell Replacement, contact NCR
27XX End of Life 1-2021 12-2022 12-2023 No Replacement
3310g End of Service 1-2017 6-2020 12-2021 VuQuest 3320
3800g End of Service 3-2012 3-2016 3-2017 Hyperion 1300g
3800g16E End of Service   8-2016 8-2017 Hyperion 1300g
3800gHD End of Life 1-2018 12-2021 4-2023 Hyperion 1300g
3800gLP End of Service   8-2016 4-2017 Hyperion 1300g
3800gPDF End of Service 6-2013 6-2017 6-2018 Xenon 1960g
3800i End of Contract 12-2018 12-2021 12-2022 Granit 1990iSR
3800rSR End of Life 1-2018 12-2021 4-2023 Hyperion 1300g
3820 End of Service 1-2018 9-2020 12-2021 Granit 1990iSR
3820i End of Contract 12-2018 12-2021 12-2022 Granit 1991iSR
3820SR End of Service 1-2018 9-2020 12-2021 Granit 1991iSR
4125 End of Service     12-2020 VuQuest 3320
4225 End of Service     12-2019 8675i
8510 End of Service   12-2016 12-2017 Granit 1990iXLR
8520 End of Service 11-2014 12-2016 12-2019 Granit 1991iXLR
8652 End of Service 3-2015 12-2019 3-2020 8675i
8654 End of Service 3-2015 12-2019 3-2020 8675i
8670 End of Life 12-2022 12-2025 12-2026 8675i
8810 End of Service   12-2016 12-2017 No Replacement
8820 End of Service 11-2014 12-2016 12-2019 No Replacement
4800i End of Service 3-2014 11-2017 11-2018 Granit 1991iSR
4810wa End of Service 12-2012 12-2016 12-2017 VuQuest 3320, Xenon 1960g
7580g End of Life 7-2022 12-2024 12-2025 Genesis XP 7680g
861XA902 End of Service 12-2016 6-2019 12-2021 8675i
862X902 End of Service 9-2015 12-2016 12-2018 8675i
8651/8653 End of Service 6-2017 8-2029 12-2021 8675i
MK9590 / MK9591 End of Service 6-2016 5-2018 5-2019 Voyager 1470g
MS2320 End of Service 10-2015 12-2017 10-2020 No Honeywell Replacement, contact NCR
MS2321 End of Service 10-2015 12-2017 10-2020 No Honeywell Replacement, contact NCR
MS2420 End of Life 1-2021 12-2022 12-2023 No Replacement
MS2421 End of Life 1-2021 12-2022 12-2023 No Replacement
MS2422 End of Life 1-2021 12-2022 12-2023 No Replacement
MS2431 End of Life 1-2021 12-2022 12-2023 No Replacement
MS7600 End of Service 6-2018 8-2020 12-2021 7990g - not a direct replacement
MS7820, MK7820, 7820 End of Service 6-2018 8-2020 12-2021 7980g
MS9520/MK9520 End of Contract 9-2018 12-2018 12-2023 Voyager CG 9540
SD61 End of Service 3-2014 12-2016 12-2017 AP-100BT-07N
SD62 End of Service 11-2019 1-2022 1-2023 AP-100BT-07N
SF51 End of Service 6-2014 10-2016 12-2017 8675i, 8680i
SF61 End of Service 12-2022 12-2022 12-2023 8675i, 8680i
SF61B1D, SF61B2D, SF61BHC End of Contract 1-2018 8-2021 12-2022 8675i, 8680i
SG10 End of Service 8-2014 12-2016 12-2017 Voyager 1200g
SG20 End of Life 3-2021 12-2023 12-2024 Voyager 1400g, Voyager 1470g/1472g
Solaris 7980g End of life 12-2019 1-2020 1-2023 7990g
SR30 End of Service 9-2014 12-2016 5-2018 Hyperion 1300g
SR31T End of Service 2-2016 2-2018 2-2019 Hyperion 1300g
SR61 Gen2 End of Service 12-2017 7-2020 12-2021 Granit 1990iSR
SR61DPM Gen2 End of Service 2-2018 7-2020 12-2021 1920iDPM
Voyager CG9540 End of life 6-2024 12-2026 12-2027 Voyager 1200g
YJ3300 End of Service   8-2018 12-2019 Voyager CG 9540


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.

Discontinued RFID Products

This page lists discontinued or retired RFID products, including their current Support Lifecycle status, and the recommended Honeywell replacement product(s). Products are grouped by device type and by Lifecycle status.

  • Note: To quickly check whether a specific RFID product is listed on this page, you can use your browser's "Find" function (typically this command can be accessed via "Ctrl-F" on a PC, or "Cmd-F" on a Mac).


To access other support for any Honeywell product, whether current or discontinued, please see the navigation links at upper left, where you can access our product knowledge base known as Knowledge Central, Product Downloads, User Manuals, and more. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

Model Lifecycle Status End of Life/Build Last Renewal Date End of Service Replacement
IF2A End of Contract   12-2021 1220-22 No replacement
IF2B End of Contract 4-2022 4-2022 12-2025 No replacement
IH21 End of Build 11-2021 12-2023 12-2024 6510
IP30 End of Build 6-2022 12-2024 12-2025 No replacement
IV7 End of Service   9-2018 12-2020 No replacement


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.


Product Status Effective Date Contract Available? Technical Support Available? Replacement Products
ITScriptNet Data Collection Software          



Product Status Effective Date Contract Available? Technical Support Available? Replacement Products
iBrowse (Lockdown Browser) End-Of-Build 7-2010 Yes Yes Intermec Browser (IB)
TE 2000 (Terminal Emulator) End-Of-Build 7-2010 Yes Yes Intermec Terminal Emulator (ITE)



Product Status Effective Date Contract Available? Technical Support Available? Replacement Products
Wavelink Avalanche, Wavelink Studio End-Of-Service 4-2014 No No Honeywell Remote Mastermind
Wavelink Terminal Emulation End-Of-Service 4-2014 No No Intermec Terminal Emulator (ITE)




Product Status Effective Date Contract Available? Technical Support Available? Replacement Products
LabelShop Design and Printing Software End-Of-Service 10-2010 No No Bartender Ultralite for Intermec, TEKLYNX CODESOFT



The following products have been discontinued by Datamax-O'Neil and are no longer supported. Some components such as printheads and platen rollers may still be available for purchase. Please contact your customer service representative for part availability.

Product Category Obsolete Product Model and Description Published Last Shipment Date Last Service Date Replaced by Model
Software Seagull BarTender UltraLite 12-2009 12-2009 Seagull Bartender Basic
Software MCL / BaaN connectivity 11-2005 11-2010    


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.

Discontinued OEM Scan Engines

This page lists discontinued or retired OEM scan engines, including their current Support Lifecycle status, and the recommended Honeywell replacement product(s). Products are grouped by device type and by Lifecycle status.

  • Note: To quickly check whether a specific enterprise sleds is listed on this page, you can use your browser's "Find" function (typically this command can be accessed via "Ctrl-F" on a PC, or "Cmd-F" on a Mac).

To access other support for any Honeywell product, whether current or discontinued, please see the navigation links at upper left, where you can access our product knowledge base known as Knowledge Central, Product Downloads, User Manuals, and more. Please visit the main Support page for descriptions of all the support options available.

Product Status End of Production Date Last Contract Renewal Date End of Service Date Replacement Products
 IS220 End of Life 5-2019      


Honeywell will provide technical support, software updates and hardware maintenance to the best of its ability on discontinued hardware and software products throughout the life of existing warranties and service contracts. Ability to service and support units may be disrupted due to component obsolesce beyond Honeywell’s control.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of a product end-of-life or obsolescence, or inability of Honeywell to manufacture or source materials or component parts for a product, for whatever reason, and/or any associated last-time buy in relation to a product (an “Obsolescence”), Honeywell shall engage in commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace products in accordance with the terms of its standard warranty, but in no event shall it be liable if it is unable to do so due to the Obsolescence. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.