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Search & Rescue

At the Center of Leading Search & Rescue Operations Around the Globe

Honeywell Global Tracking – Search & Rescue (SAR) is proud to serve the brave professionals who conduct search & rescue operations all over the world, every day. Our state-of-the-art SAR equipment and software have been used for over 40 years in operations that have saved tens of thousands of lives worldwide. We offer a global mission-critical service to both public and private search & rescue (SAR) organizations, whether it is at sea or on land, on a mountain or in a remote desert.

Honeywell SAR offers an immense portfolio of hardware and software solutions for majority of COSPAS-SARSAT systems in operation today. The technology spans the entire ecosystem: from ground stations to mission control systems, to Rescue Coordination Center systems and network infrastructure. Honeywell ground stations portfolio includes Low Earth Orbit (LEO) stations, Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) stations, and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) stations. In addition to solutions that improve beacon detections and location accuracy.

Since the inception of the international COPSAS-SARSAT program, a reported 50,000 individual lives have been saved by SAR operations around the world, and Honeywell is recognized as critical to that huge effort.

The need for search & rescue is a timeless one. In fact, every day the system detects and locates more and more emergency beacons activated by aircraft, ships and people engaged in recreational activities in remote areas everywhere allover the globe.

Honeywell SAR solutions combine antennas, terminals, consoles, and software applications. Combined with our solution installations built to withstand extreme weather conditions, our expertise and technology helps SAR organizations save thousands of lives around the globe each year; both those of disaster victims and those of rescue operations responders themselves.
