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- Using Vertical Conveyor Solutions | Honeywell Intelligrated
Using Vertical Conveyor Solutions to Maximize Your DC footprint
Using Vertical Conveyor Solutions | Honeywell Intelligrated
Tracy Niehaus
9 March 2017
Modern DC operators face a common dilemma: the space they need to meet omnichannel demands is running out. As direct-to-consumer order fulfillment requirements continue to push the limits of service level expectations, the physical constraints of their warehouses have them feeling boxed in. Typical options to solve this problem - such as expansion, new facility construction or outsourcing - are often impractical and require significant capital expenditures. But there is another direction operators often overlook to maximize the use of their existing operations; upward!
Our next On The Move webinar will explore the vertical conveyor solutions available to solve the challenge of diminishing space in the DC. This complimentary webinar is titled, "Vertical solutions: elevating your products to the next level," and will take place on Thursday, March 23, 2 p.m. EDT / 11 a.m. PDT. Presented by Joe Joice, vice president of business development for USS, an Intelligrated company, this informative session will answer many questions about the trend of going vertical, including:
- Why is the option to expand vertically becoming more commonplace?
- How are commerical logistics models evolving from traditional "push" to consumer-driven "pull"?
- What are the pros and cons of today's wide variety of vertical lift and conveyance technologies?
- Which applications are currently benefiting from these vertical conveyor solutions?
- Where is this technology applicable to manufacturing and assembly environments?
Attendees will learn how modern vertical conveyor solutions enable a wide range of input and discharge height customizations for maximum application flexibility. Joice will demonstrate how these systems can expand to heights up to 30 feet and utilize C-shape, Z-shape and T-shape workflow configurations.
Aside from the obvious advantage of maximizing space utilization, attendees will also learn the many ancillary benefits of vertical sortation solutions, including: enhanced safety, increased efficiencies, higher throughput and decongestion.
So if you're ready to evaluate the viability of vertical solutions to alleviate your DC space constraints, you won't want to miss this important webinar. Register now to join Joe Joice on Thursday, March 23 at 2 p.m. EDT / 11 a.m. PDT.
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