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- Boulevard Brewing Company
Boulevard Brewing Company

John McDonald, founder of Boulevard Brewing Co., started his brewery business with a humble five-gallon kettle in a converted railroad building on Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Mo. Soon, McDonald’s home brewing operation grew into a more serious business. Over the next 20 years, Boulevard Brewing Co. expanded its distribution from across town to across the country, delivering its beer, distinctive for its Midwest flavor profile, to 19 states.
In 2006, the company determined that they had outgrown their existing facility and infrastructure and began planning a new three-story building adjacent to the original building. The new, 150-barrel brewhouse would increase production while retaining the company’s legacy of quality, taste and craftsmanship.
The line would also handle a packaging challenge: automation of the closing of its signature closed-style cartons. Closing the cartons reduces light exposure, extending the shelf life of the product and allowing for increased distribution, while also addressing safety concerns with tamper-evident packaging.
Read the rest of our case study to find out how automated solutions from Honeywell Intelligrated helped Boulevard Brewing to improve their warehouse operations.
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