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- Remote Services
Quick Diagnosis and Repair of Assets Through Remote Video Collaboration of On-site Technicians and Honeywell Intelligrated's Experts
In a perfect world, you could have a full-time technician on-site to help troubleshoot any issues. Unfortunately, that’s not always possible.
That’s why we’ve developed TechSight video enablement solutions, which utilize optional smart glasses with augmented reality capabilities and leading mobile apps for video conferencing. Regardless of your preferred connection method, TechSight enables remote collaboration between your technicians and our expert service team for rapid diagnosis and troubleshooting of critical issues.
Simply put, TechSight allows our support team to see exactly what your maintenance crews are dealing with in real time. Video collaboration overcomes the communication limitations of a standard telephone call. TechSight also removes the safety concerns associated with hand-held devices when equipped with the optional smart glasses.
In connected infrastructures, DC’s can now streamline the entire maintenance task lifecycle — from issue detection to response and resolution with advanced diagnostics, Honeywell Voice and augmented reality technology.
TechSight Benefits
TechSight gives our service team eyes in the field, allowing us to remotely diagnose problems that your staff may not have the knowledge or expertise to address. What’s more, we provide multiple ways to connect. Whether you choose our optional smart glasses or your preferred video-conferencing app on your mobile device, you’ll enjoy the benefits of expert, remote video collaboration.
The visual collaboration that TechSight enables delivers many benefits:
- Accurate diagnosis and decreased mean time to repair
- Optional, hands-free video collaboration with smart glasses for real-time document sharing and annotation
- Expedited issue resolution without field service travel costs or delays
- Improved labor efficiencies with real-time access to our service experts
The optimal smart glasses experience includes an expanded suite of capabilities:
- High-definition (HD) audio and video conferencing
- Remote screenshot capturing
- Remote zooming
- Messaging
- File sharing and annotation (telestration) by the remote observer
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Remote Services
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