Hard Hats
The K2 A29
The K2 A29
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Features & Benefits:
- A versatile shell design in HDPE featuring strength and rigidity in a lightweight hard hat.
- Accessory slots and 4-point nylon web suspension with forehead comfort band and crown pad.
- Short peak version (A29SPR) allows increased overhead vision. Meets ANSI Z89.1-2009 Type 1 Class E.
- Accessory Slots
- Yes
- Suspension Type
- 4-Point
- Standards & Certifications
- ANSI Z89.1-2009 Type 1 Class E
- Shell Material
- Lightweighting Available
- Yes
- Height Adjustment
- 3-Level
- Custom Imprints Available
- Yes
- Accessory Slots
- Yes
- Suspension Type
- 4-Point
- Standards & Certifications
- ANSI Z89.1-2009 Type 1 Class E
- Shell Material
- Lightweighting Available
- Yes
- Height Adjustment
- 3-Level
- Custom Imprints Available
- Yes
- Accessory Slots : Yes|
- Suspension Type : 4-Point|
- Standards & Certifications : ANSI Z89.1-2009 Type 1 Class E|
- Shell Material : HDPE|
- Lightweighting Available : Yes|
- Height Adjustment : 3-Level|
- Custom Imprints Available : Yes|
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