Fall Protection Kits
Miller Titan™ Harness/Lanyard Combos
Miller Titan™ Harness/Lanyard Combos
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Added Protection
Tubular Shock-Absorbing Lanyards feature a built-in woven inner core which smoothly expands to reduce fall arrest forces: while the outer jacket serves as a back-up web lanyard.
Comfort & Safety
Pack-Type Shock-Absorbing Lanyards include the shock absorber pack: in the event of a fall: the pack expands to reduce fall arrest forces while a back-up safety strap deploys for added fall protection.
Features & Benefits:
Titan Full Body Non-Stretch Harnesses
- Lightweight: durable webbing for all day comfort and dependability
- Sliding back D-ring Sub-pelvic strap
- Trilingual labeling and instructions
- Lightweight: durable webbing
- Locking snap & rebar hooks
- Two-legged models available for continuous tie-off
- Restraint lanyards are to be used for restraint only and are not to be used for fall protection
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