Safety Net Fans
Collective protection from falling objects. The Safety Net Fan System is the latest innovation in high-rise protection, suited to compact, inner-city locations where space is limited and the protection of people and property is essential.
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The Safety Net Fan is designed to fit directly to the building (steel or concrete frame) or to scaffolding using a range of purpose-built attachments. The 3.3m wide standard fan, the 4.6m wide Maxi Fan and the 3.3m wide corner options, ensure that the Safety Net Fan is suitable for almost every design of building including those with overhangs.
Key Features
- The Safety Net Fan utilises the Class B1 net
- Each net comes with 60 x 60mm mesh and 20mm x 20mm Debris Net as standard
- Catches, absorbs and contains debris from a height of 6m
- Absorbs up to 4.4kJ of energy
- Can be easily repositioned
- Conforms to EN1263.
- The elasticity of the net, together with a slight deformation of the frame, ensures that items do not bounce out or shatter which can harm people and property below
- The combined layer net is able to catch considerably smaller particles of debris
- Fans can be folded in to retrieve fallen objects
Manuals and Guides
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