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    Webinar Replay: The Rise in Click and Collect

    Webinar Replay: The Rise in Click and Collect

    Consumer behavior towards digital has accelerated in light of the global health crisis. According to eMarketer1, sales from click and collect are expected to jump 60% as demand for a frictionless and contactless experience accelerates. According to a recent survey2, 45.6% of retailers rated logistics as the biggest challenge of click and collect. In this webinar we’ll take a deep dive into:

    • The rise of click and collect ecommerce
    • The logistical challenges it places on the store
    • How retailers can efficiently navigate click and collect with Honeywell retail solutions
    • How Honeywell is helping retailers manage cash flow and demand shock challenges related to the current business climate

    Watch the replay!

    Honeywell Retail Click and Collect Webinar - June 2020 from Honeywell on Vimeo.


    1Click-and-Collect Sales will Jump 60% As Demand for Frictionless Commerce Accelerates

    2 “Risk & Reward: Buy Online Pick Up In Store (BOPIS),” 2018, Signifyd

    Karen Bomber

    Karen Bomber is the Director of Industry Marketing for Honeywell Productivity Products. She leads the strategic direction of Honeywell’s in-store retail, healthcare, distribution center and transportation and logistics (T&L) solutions, helping businesses focus on enhancing customer service and increasing worker productivity.