Miller Duraflex Full-Body Harness
Miller Duraflex Full-Body Harness
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Miller DuraFlex® Harnesses
• Patented Miller DuraFlex Harnesses feature specially formulated elastomer webbing that stretches
• Rated to 400-lbs. (181.4 kg) capacity
• Maximize Comfort: DuraFlex Harnesses conform to the shape of the worker, stretching with every movement, so there is no bunching, binding or kinking.
• Improve Safety: With comfort unsurpassed, DuraFlex Harnesses offer wider end-user acceptance. And, a comfortable harness is
worn properly, enhancing compliance and safety on the job site.
• Increase Productivity: Because DuraFlex Harnesses are stretchable, the worker has greater mobility with less fatigue.
- Product Type
- Harness Degrees Celsius
- Product Type
- Harness Degrees Celsius
- Product Type : Harness Degrees Celsius
Data Sheet
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