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    Self-Retracting Lifelines

    Turbolite 2M (SELF-SERVICE PPE)

    Integrated shock-absorber Self-retracting webbing and immediate fall arrest Light Can be used at foot level. Warning: calculate your fall clearance before use!


    • Increased freedom of movement.
    • Comfort at work.
    • Reduced fall arrest distance, especially important when little vertical clearance is available.

    • A twist-lock top karabiner for easy attachment to harness back D-ring.
    • A swivel between housing and absorber to follow movements in all directions.
    • A unique power spring mechanism inside housing for smooth sliding of lifeline
    • Integrated fall indicator.
    • Unique aluminium karabiner with integrated swivel avoids twist effect of the webbing which optimises webbing retractability (less risk of blocking), without adding length (no separate swivel).
    • Very quick locking mechanism.

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