

    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor

    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor


    Key Features


    • A unique stretchable design.
    • A safety clip that straps on to the harness to hold the Manyard when not in use.
    • Special woven shock-absorbing inner core. Heavy tubular outer jacket.
    • Unique warning flag which provides visual proof that a lanyard has been involved in a fall and should be removed from service.
    • Reliable visual inspection: the integral red core becomes visible if the outer jacket is damaged or worn.
    • The hi-tech protective finish on the outer tubular jacket prolongs the service life of the Manyard.


    Lightweight and easy to use, the elasticated manyard is ideal for maintenance on cranes or gantries. When contracted the elasticated shock-absorbing lanyard reduces the risk of tripping or snagging. The unique woven shock-absorbing material reduces fall arrest forces.

    Recommended Industries/Use



    • EN 355 - Shock Absorbers

    Warranty Information

    Our state of the art equipment provides the criticaltool for worker protection, combining mobility with unsurpassed comfort.

    At our ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities in Europe, we ensure that every Miller product is made inaccordance with the standards and meets your exacting requirements.



    • Lanyard Type
      • Shock Absorbing
    • Shock Absorber Type
      • Tubular


    • Lanyard Type
      • Shock Absorbing
    • Shock Absorber Type
      • Tubular
    • Lanyard Type : Shock Absorbing|
    • Shock Absorber Type : Tubular|
    Data Sheet
    File Size
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Data Sheet
    application/pdf 90.5 KB
    90.5 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Data Sheet - Nordics
    application/pdf 89.31 KB
    89.31 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    application/pdf 90.51 KB
    90.51 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    application/pdf 480.96 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    480.96 KB
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Scheda Tecnica
    application/pdf 89.79 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    89.79 KB
    Manuals and Guides
    File Size
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    759.24 KB
    File Size
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Brochure - Nordics
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    File Size
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Data Sheet
    application/pdf 90.5 KB
    90.5 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Brochure - Nordics
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Data Sheet - Nordics
    application/pdf 89.31 KB
    89.31 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    application/pdf 90.51 KB
    90.51 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    application/pdf 480.96 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    480.96 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    application/pdf 759.24 KB
    759.24 KB
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Scheda Tecnica
    application/pdf 89.79 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    89.79 KB
    File Size
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Data Sheet
    90.5 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Data Sheet - Nordics
    89.31 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    90.51 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Datasheet
    480.96 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Scheda Tecnica
    89.79 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    759.24 KB
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    759.24 KB
    05/27/2021 00:00:00
    Miller Me82 Manyard Shock Absorbing Lanyards Eur Brochure - Nordics
    759.24 KB
    Cordini Elastico Con Assorbitore Di Energia Miller Me82 Manyard Eur Literature
    759.24 KB
    09/23/2021 00:00:00
    Miller Me82 Manyard Lanyard With Strap Halyard Impactor - Literature
    759.24 KB
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