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Shaping the Future of Heating with Hybrid Flexibility


There has been a significant industry shift in recent years toward investments in hybrid heating systems that integrate traditional natural gas with renewable energy sources. The flexibility to quickly and easily switch between gas and electricity helps reduce environmental impact without compromising efficiency, performance or regulatory compliance.

Honeywell’s Hybrid Heating Solutions benefit consumers across multiple industries to transition to cleaner energy and reduce their carbon footprint. This is especially important when 100% electric heat is not a feasible option for high-production, energy-intensive manufacturing.




Striking a balance between environmental sustainability, cost efficiency and performance with hybrid heating solutions.


Improved Temperature Control

Reduced temperature overshoots and higher turndown reducing total energy consumption.

Sustainble green building. Eco-friendly building in modern city. Sustainable glass office building with tree for reducing carbon dioxide. Office with green environment. Corporate building reduce CO2.
Sustainble green building. Eco-friendly building in modern city. Sustainable glass office building with tree for reducing carbon dioxide. Office with green environment. Corporate building reduce CO2.

Lower Emissions

By using natural gas combustion and renewable electricity together the emissions per kWh are reduced. Reductions are even greater with the addition of hydrogen (H2).


Environmental Compliance

Non-compliance with environmental regulations can result in legal penalties, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. Hybrid heating systems support compliance with evolving regulations while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

reduced costs
reduced costs

Reduced Operational Costs

Reduced operational expenses by integrating combustion and electric heating into a single system, allowing for switching between the most cost-efficient heating method.

Read about how Honeywell’s Hybrid Heating Solutions benefit consumers across multiple industries as they transition to cleaner energy and reduce their carbon footprint.

Hybrid Heating Solutions
Hybrid Heating Solutions
Flexibility To Flip the Switch See how easy it is to seamlessly switch between gas and electricity for greater efficiency and enhanced sustainability.
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Shaping the Future of Energy
Shaping the Future of Energy
Read more about sustainability within the heating industry and how Honeywell’s Hybrid Heating Solutions help address the growing demand for energy-efficient technologies.
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