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Honeywell Robotics The Future of Material Handling

Transform your business using less space, with flexibility to manage seasonality and unforeseen events, while simultaneously lowering operating costs.

Lower Business Risks and Enhance Competitiveness

As customer expectations and operations complexity increases, many logistics stakeholders are turning to advanced robotics systems capable of handling repeated actions with autonomy and intelligence. These solutions help to equip warehouses and distribution centers with the flexibility needed to handle issues like rising labor costs, SKU proliferation, and new customer requests for mixed case pallets.

Partnering with Honeywell

Advanced Automation Infographic
Advanced Automation Infographic

Utilize Intelligent Technologies to Unlock Your Operations

Cloud-Based and Secure Software

Momentum WES, a software platform developed by Honeywell, can enable warehouse owners to achieve operational agility and resilience. The platform is designed to balance workload, avoid bottlenecks, leverage cloud computing, support various automation hardware, and provide high-quality technical support.

Solutions Available Today

To support the ongoing need to improve the flexibility and efficiency of operations, Honeywell Intelligrated has launched new robotic partnerships and is adding to its stable of intelligent automation solutions. Areas of solution focus include labor-intensive workflows such as automated loading and unloading of pallets, picking, cross-docking, buffering, and sortation.

HAI Robotics

Autonomous Case-Handling Robots (ACRs) offer high storage density, throughput and flexibility to handle cases, totes, pallets, and cages to deliver to Goods-To-Person (GTP) stations.

Berkshire Grey

Berkshire Grey leverages AI and over a decade of experience to offer scalable robotic solutions that can integrate into existing fulfillment processes with nearly 100% SKU eligibility and 99.99% accuracy. Offerings include Robotic Put Wall, Robotic Picking and Store Replenishment solutions.

Tompkins Robotics

The tSort™ system is a fully modular sortation solution that offers minimal space requirements, high flexibility and high throughput. These robotic solutions can typically deployed in under 12 months, can be easily expanded for delayed spend and require lower upfront investment than traditional sortation options.

Advanced Robotics: Lower Business Risks While Enhancing Competitiveness

Read the whitepaper to learn how Honeywell has developed strategic robotics partnerships to fully support the needs of our customers for future-state flexibility, storage density, labor support and software functionality.


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