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Simulation Customer Advisory Board

Software related CABs

The objectives of the Simulation CAB are to discuss the simulation market and its needs, review Honeywell’s current simulation roadmap and get feedback from users on expectations regarding development of technology offerings.

UniSim Competency Suite Customer Advisory Board: Leader Jennifer Prgesa,

UniSim Design Customer Advisory Board: Leader Bharat Naik

Honeywell Forge Alarm and Operations Management Advisory Board:
Provides a collaborative forum for users of Honeywell Forge Alarm Management and Honeywell Forge Operations Management products to provide feedback on current product functionality and future product requirements.

CAB Leader: Satrujeet Dey

Honeywell Forge APC User Forum:
Honeywell established the APC Strategic User Forum to collect feedback from customers across geographies, market segments, and hardware platforms to help guide development of this advanced applications suite.

CAB Leader: Jaideep Bhattacharya

Honeywell Forge Asset Performance Management for Industrial :
This Customer Advisory Group provides a collaboration channel for users of Honeywell´s Asset Performance Management technologies to provide feedback and help guide development.

CAB Leader: Rahul Chillar

Honeywell Forge Blending & Movement Customer Advisory Board:
Users provide input on Blending & Movement where Honeywell has over 220 customers worldwide, representing more than 25% of the world’s refining capacity.

CAB Leader: Cesar Bravo

Honeywell Forge Enterprise Data Management Advisory Board:
The Enterprise Data Management Advisory Board provides a forum for customer input on product functionality, integration, and service offerings for the EDM history, visualization and calculation applications.

CAB Leader: Jeffrey Lane

Honeywell Forge Production Management Semi-Continuous (former OptiVision) Advisory Board:
Semi-Continuous (former OptiVision) Advisory Board: Honeywell established the OptiVision Advisory Group in 1998 to collect customer feedback on product functionality and suggestions for product enhancements to new OptiVision releases and on training and support needs.

CAB Leader: Niranjan Rao

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