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- Enable Possible With Material Handling Solutions
Whether you can’t find the equipment you need, have a vision for something new, or are struggling with a material handling problem you can’t solve, this informative webinar will introduce you to options for finding the right solution.
Webinar Details
Enable Possible With Custom Material Handling Solutions
What do you do when the material handling equipment (MHE) you need doesn’t exist? Fortunately, you don’t have to abandon your idea. Honeywell United Sortation Solutions (USS) has been developing practical custom equipment solutions for the world’s toughest material handling challenges for nearly two decades.
Watch our on-demand webinar to find out more.
If you'd like to speak to one of our representatives, please contact us.
Meet the speakers
Darius Scott
Darius has been with United Sortation Solutions (USS), since 2004 when it was a small start-up, first as senior mechanical design engineer, then in 2013 as manager of mechanical design engineering. Now that USS has become a Honeywell Material Handling Customer Solution Center, he also manages the C&E team.
Greg Comer
Greg has lead USS’s Concepting and Estimating (C&E) team for more than five years. With a focus on combining hardware and software offerings, USS’s C&E Team has spearheaded the development of numerous solutions that previously did not exist in the market.
View the webinar by completing the form embedded in the video.
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