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- Beyond WCS: Achieving Your Full Automation Potential With WES
You already know the value of automation. But are you getting maximum throughput and optimization? If you’re simply pushing orders into your facility’s pipeline as quickly as you can without bottlenecks, you could be getting a lot more from the resources you already have.
Webinar Details
This free webinar will examine why the world’s largest and highest-performing logistics operations rely on warehouse execution system (WES) software to meet service level agreements (SLAs) while seamlessly managing complex, integrated warehouse environments. Whether you’re currently using a warehouse control system (WCS) or some other technology to keep your processes moving, you’ll learn how WES can help you achieve more — from increasing throughput to streamlining your operation from end to end.
If you’re ready to join the top performers in the distribution and fulfillment (D&F) industry, you won’t want to miss this presentation.
If you'd like to speak to one of our representatives, please contact us.
Meet the speakers
Laura Bickle
With more than 20 years in supply chain and logistics, Laura excels in software product strategy, portfolio lifecycle management and offering management processes.
Mike Disney
Mike has five years of experience on the implementation side, focusing mainly on implementing the warehouse execution system (or WES) solution.
View the webinar by completing the form embedded in the video.
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