

    It’s the best of both worlds for electric utilities.

    Smart meters and communicative technologies help electric utilities deliver electricity faster, more effectively and with greater safety. But most of these utilities need more as changes to the electricity landscape, like grid modernization, create operational challenges.

    When a major U.S. electric utility needed to modernize its infrastructure, an operational challenge with effects like extensive downtime and high costs, it still needed to maintain its cornerstone of service excellence. This cooperative knew it needed to better manage its resources but had concerns over how meter installation and new technologies would impact its commitment to first-rate service and affect its customers.

    Honeywell offers advanced solutions and services to electric utilities as a holistic approach to transformation management. With our help, this U.S. electric utility was able to:

    • Install 7,000 of our A4 smart meters with LTE Cat-M modems in less than four months
      • This industry-leading electric meter has the capacity to grow with future grid applications, enhanced security features and operability with wireless networks
    • Keep service tech training time and expenses to a minimum; the A4 is built for all applications, meaning service techs only need to learn a single platform
    • Increase metering data collection, processing, monitoring and diagnosis to support real-time, accurate servicing

    With the cutting-edge capabilities of the A4 smart meters and consistent, cost-effective support, this U.S. electric cooperative improved its service offering, maintained consistent delivery of electricity and was able to adapt to industry changes.

    To learn more about our offerings for electric utilities, including the A4 meter, download our case study,
    Cat-M Metering Solution Increases Service Excellence.