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Other CABS

Gas Customer Advisory Board:

The Gas Customer Advisory Board (GCAB) is chartered to focus on new and existing solutions and services needed by gas industry customers.

CAB Leader:  Addy Baksteen

HPS Services Advisory Board (SAB) AMERICAS Please note that many services are also discussed in the User Input Subcommittee (UIS)

HPS Services Advisory Boards (SAB) APAC and EMEA:  Honeywell Process Solutions installed base customers connect to share new and changing support requirements and provide input to our existing and future services solutions.  SAB APAC Leader: Noreen Islam, and SAB EMEA Leader: Laszlo Petrany.  

Terminals Customer Advisory Board: 
The Terminals Customer Advisory Board (TCAB) is chartered to focus on new and existing solutions and services needed by terminals industry customers.

CAB Leader: Joshi Mahesh

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