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Energy Transition CABs

Energy Storage Customer Advisory Board (ES CAB)
The Energy Storage Customer Advisory Board provides a collaborative forum for customers to provide feedback on GW-scale energy storage strategy, and stay informed on new product development.

CAB Leaders:  Maya Nair (UOP) and Prudence Hoffman (HPS)

Smart Energy Forums:

The Gas Forum solicits customer input on Smart Meter, Ultrasonic​. Hydrogen Injection, Renewable Natural Gas and Methane Emission Reduction​, products, services while understanding customer needs.

Forum Owner: Harald Dietrich

Electricity & Connected Utilities
The Electricity & Connected Utilities Forum solicits customer input on, Cellular Network ​AMI 2.0 (DERMs, VPP, DR, EV…)​ and understanding customer requirements.

Forum Owner: Guy Lafond

The Water Forum solicits customer input on Smart Meter, Ultrasonic​, water resource management analytics, customer needs, and future expectations.

Forum Owner: Song Wang

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