Trajes alimentados por aire
Trajes con suministro de aire Honeywell Air Fed Suits Mururoa V4F1 Hansen
Trajes con suministro de aire Honeywell Air Fed Suits Mururoa V4F1 Hansen
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Honeywell North® Air-Fed Suits – MURUROA V4F1
Integrated Respiratory Protection and Protective Clothing
Honeywell Industrial Safety offers a complete range of air-fed suit products specifically designed to protect workers against hazards in nuclear, chemical, pharmaceutical and biological environments. The complete range of ventilated suits and hoods provides full protection for the worker, while allowing him to move freely. With respiratory protection integrated directly into the protective suit, the Honeywell North Air-Fed suits are the ideal solution for a range of applications.
• PF > 50,000
• Class 5: EN1073-1
• Air Flow Range: 450 to 1150 l/min
• Two patented exhalation valves provide overpressure inside the suit
• Elbow and knee reinforcement offer enhanced protection for demanding environments
• Optional Low Pressure Warning Device (LPWD / AP) in the event of insufficient air supply inside the suit
• PVC gloves welded onto suit
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