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Blanket Accessories
Blanket Accessories
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In addition to other uses in the utility industry, Blanket Clamp Pins can be effectively used to hold insulating blankets and rubber cover-up in place. Springs are used for tension while extra holes in the body of the pin are used to grip conductors and prevent line hose from sliding.
Model 21-ES blanket pin can be opened a full 5 1/2 inches. To accommodate applications using a hot stick, the ends of the pin have been tapered to fit into the end of any brand clampstick. This allows the blanket pin to be installed in line with the stick.
For applications where a 90 degree angle of application and removal is necessary, model HS21-ES contains an eye that can retracted in the clampstick to open and close the blanket pin.
Blanket pins are made of fiberglass reinforced nylon and most models have molded rubber tips to increase slip resistance.
Blanket Buttons are designed to secure eyelet-style insulating blankets.
- The B1-ES button, made of orange plastic, snaps through the eyelet with thumb pressure on the large head.
- The bright orange polystyrene B23-ES two-way buttons are inserted into the eyelets for use with a shotgun clamp stick or standard-duty switch stick.
- Magnetic blanket buttons are designed for use in eyelets of insulating blankets when covering energized portions in hard-to-cover areas like pad mounts, cubicles, switchboards, and substations. Four permanent floating magnets are mounted between nickel-plated steel plates.
Blanket Canisters are molded in bright orange, hi-impact,polyethylene to protect insulating blankets when not in use. A tightfitting cap is secured to the canister with polypropylene rope.
Salisbury’s P4H-ES Blanket Canister revolutionizes the wayyou’ll store your blankets. The P4H-ES canister has a sturdier construction than the regular P4, with integrated feet to keep the canister from rolling while being transported by truck or stored at the workplace. The ergonomic handle runs the entire length of the canister, making lifting and carrying up to four 36” x 36” blankets much easier. Slots are provided within the canister to allow it to be secured in bucketsor on trucks.
Blanket Roll Ups provide a safe and convenient means forprotecting blankets from damage while in transport or storage. Ruggedly constructed of 18 oz. vinyl with side flaps to confine the blankets into position and prevent damage to the edges. Two heavy 33” web straps with buckles close the roll-up, and includes a web carrying handle.
STORAGE TIPS: When more than one blanket is stored, the most convenient method of loading is to roll and insert each blanket into the canister independently. A single blanket can then be removed without removing the others. For maximum useful life, never fold, crease, or compress insulating blankets while in storage.
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