Transductores de presión
Model HL-Z
High Line Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Transducer
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The High Line Wet/Wet Differential Pressure Model HL-Z is designed to accept extreme line pressures of up to 5000 psi.* This unique design features standard bonded foil strain gages on stainless steel. Liquid and gas differential pressures of 50 psid to 7500 psid are measured within a 0.25 % to 0.50 % full scale accuracy. Typical applications include flow measurement and laboratory testing.
- Line pressure to 5000 psi
- 0.25 % accuracy
- Intrinsically safe available (2N option only) (Range dependent consult factory. Termination dependent; consult factory.)
- CE approved (Internal amp and termination dependent; consult factory.)
Potential Applications
- Flow measurement
- Laboratory testing
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