
    Detectores de gas fijos

    Detector de gases inflamables y tóxicos Sensepoint

    Detectores de gases inflamables, gases tóxicos y oxígeno con certificación ATEX, que ofrecen una solución de alta calidad y bajo costo para el monitoreo de áreas peligrosas. • Especificaciones rápidas • Flammable, toxic and Oxygen versions


    Descripción general del producto

    La gama Sensepoint de detectores de gases inflamables, gases tóxicos y oxígeno, ofrece a los usuarios una solución de alta calidad y bajo costo para sus necesidades de monitoreo de gases industriales.La instalación en atmósferas potencialmente peligrosas se realiza utilizando una caja de empalmes Exd o Exe adecuada y aprobada.Las salidas estándares de la industria de Sensepoint se conectan a una selección de controladores de Honeywell Analytics o de sistemas DCS y PLC de terceros.Las versiones para gases inflamables y tóxicos cuentan con certificación de acuerdo con los estándares de seguridad y rendimiento europeos de ATEX.

    El detector inflamable se encuentra disponible en las versiones de intervalos de detección de % LEL o PPM y proporciona una salida de puente de mV estándar de la industria. La expectativa de vida típica supera los 5 años, plazo después del cual el detector simplemente se reemplaza por uno nuevo.

    Los detectores de gases tóxicos se proporcionan con calibración previa para facilitar la instalación y brindan una salida de circuito de 2 cables de 4 a 20 mA.Las conexiones de usuarios son Exd, y el diseño de seguridad intrínseca (IS) permite un intercambio sencillo del sensor reemplazable mientras se encuentra energizado.El diseño de IS también elimina la necesidad de que un sínter habilite una velocidad de respuesta y detección muy alta de gases “pegajosos” como el cloro y el amoníaco.

    Sensepoint ha demostrado su adecuación en una amplia variedad de aplicaciones exigentes al brindar un rendimiento y una confiabilidad elevados a un costo accesible.

    Características y beneficios adicionales: 

    Adecuación para el propósito

    • Se encuentran disponibles versiones para gases inflamables, gases tóxicos y oxígeno

    • Alto rendimiento y bajo costo

    • Adecuado para aplicaciones nuevas y actualizadas

    Tecnología de sensores comprobada

    • Sensores electroquímicos Surecell™

    • Sensores de perla catalítica resistentes a venenos

    • Rápido y confiable

    • Vida útil típica de 2 a 5 años

    Certificación de ATEX

    • Cumple con los últimos estándares de Europa

    • Aprobación para áreas peligrosas y rendimiento

    • IP65/66 para uso en ambientes adversos

    • Funcionamiento configurado de fábrica

    • Reemplazo sencillo

    • Mínima capacitación necesaria

    Gama de accesorios

    • Tapa resistente a las inclemencias del tiempo

    • Adaptador de flujo

    • Kit de montaje para conductos

    • Cono recolector


    Features & Benefits

    • Funcionalidades
      • Mínima capacitación necesaria
      • Rápidos y confiables
      • Sensores electroquímicos SurecellTM

    Features & Benefits

    • Funcionalidades
      • Mínima capacitación necesaria
      • Rápidos y confiables
      • Sensores electroquímicos SurecellTM
    • Funcionalidades : Mínima capacitación necesaria|Rápidos y confiables|Sensores electroquímicos SurecellTM|
    Manuales y Guía
    Tamaño del archivo
    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    application/pdf 568.75 KB
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Tamaño del archivo
    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Tamaño del archivo
    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    application/pdf 568.75 KB
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Tamaño del archivo
    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    568.75 KB
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    523.77 KB
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    568.75 KB
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint LEL Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
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    Sensepoint PPM Combustible Sensor Operating Instructions
    568.75 KB
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
    287.1 KB
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint HT - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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    Sensepoint Toxic and Oxygen Gas Sensor - EU Declaration of Conformity
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