Kits de prueba de ajuste y adaptadores
SCBA Test Bench
Posi 3 USB - The industry’s leading NFPA-compliant SCBA test bench with USB communication capability. Test results can be printed or saved for simplified record keeping.
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NFPA 1852 mandates that all compliant SCBA be tested on a calibrated breathing machine before being put into service, and at least once per year thereafter. Honeywell’s Posi 3 USB meets the stringent standards set forth by NFPA. With the Quick Test feature, the Posi 3 USB can evaluate the operational readiness of an SCBA in less than 2 minutes, consuming less than 1% of its air supply.
Features & Benefits
- Performs full readiness testing
- Face piece leak check
- Test bench meets stringent NFPA standards
Quick Specs
- Size (excluding head):.Height 14.1 inches: Width 13.5 inches: Depth 16.0 inches
- Weight (excluding head) 34 pounds
- Operating Temperature 41ºF to 113ºF.
- Storage Temperature 14ºF to 113ºF
Additional Features and Benefits:
Posi 3 USB Performs Full Readiness Testing
- Facepiece leak check
- Exhalation check valve opening pressure
- Static facepiece pressure
- Bypass flow rate
- Pressure gauge accuracy
- Low pressure alarm activation
- First stage regulator performance
- Breathing resistance at standard (40 LPM)
- Breathing resistance at maximum (100 LPM)
Item Number | Item Description |
54-56-1717 | POSI 3 USB, AMERICAN 500 PSI ME |
54-56-2717 | POSI 3 USB, AMERICAN, Sound Detection System, 500 PSI MP |
54-56-5117 | POSI 3 USB with 5500 Transducer |
54-56-6117 | POSI 3 USB with 5500 Transducer & Sound Detection System |
54-58-10 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - Standard US |
54-58-03 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - Standard Metric |
54-58-02 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software -.Draeger US |
54-58-04 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - Fenzy |
54-58-05 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - Interspiro US |
54-58-06 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - ISI |
54-58-07 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software - MSA |
54-58-01 | Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Software.- Survivair |
54-21-A15 | Case and Foam, Posi 3, with Head |
54-21-A16 | Case and Foam, Posi 3, Instrument |
13-348 | Manual - Posi 3 USB SCBA Test Setup Guide |
Ficha técnica
Manuales y Guía
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