Miller Arc-Rated Products
Miller Lichtbogengeprüfte Produkte
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New Miller® Arc-Rated Products are designed to protect workers from falls caused by electric arc-flash and arc-blast exposure when working at heights or in confined space applications near energized electrical sources.
Featuring the same key elements that have made the Miller Revolution Harness the most comfortable and versatile harness available.
Additional custom safety features have been incorporated for the security and protection of utility and maintenance workers.
Features & Benefits:
- Kevlar®/Nomex® Miller DualTech™ webbing – patent-pending 10:000 lb. tensile strength webbing is engineered with permanent fire retardant (FR) properties. The webbing offers the durability and FR properties of Kevlar on the outer side: with softer FR Nomex on the inside of the webbing for greater comfort. The webbing assures arc protection and durability that eclipses any nylon webbing.
- PivotLink™ design allows unmatched freedom of motion and comfort: while the unique Cam Buckles provide easy two-finger adjustment.
- Leather insulators under all metal hardware offer additional protection for the worker.
- The Kevlar web loop on the back pad allows for a “metal-less” connection when used with a Kevlar shock-absorbing lanyard with a choke-off loop.
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