

    Miller Reglex Standard Work (EUR)

    La longe de maintien au travail REGLEX est l’un des dispositifs de maintien au travail les plus utilisés sur pylônes. Peut être utilisée avec tous les types de harnais ou de ceintures de maintien au travail.


    Key Features

    Polyamide rope with end-splice Easy to use stainless steel, jaw type length adjuster for one-handed adjustment For use when there is no risk of cutting through the lanyard.

    Recommended Industries/Use



    • Conforms to EN358

    Warranty Information

    Our state of the art equipment provides the criticaltool for worker protection, combining mobility with unsurpassed comfort.

    At our ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities in Europe, we ensure that every Miller product is made inaccordance with the standards and meets your exacting requirements.

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