Substation Covers
Substation Covers
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Substation Cover-up and barrier equipment is used during routine maintenance where accidental contact may occur. This barrier equipment is often used where outages aredifficult to reach and the occurrence of accidental contact ishigh. These covers may be applied with rubber gloves or hotsticks. These covers are made from Type I orange ABS plastic. This equipment is not intended for permanent or semipermanent barrier or insulating applications. The use of these covers is to protect against accidental contact only. These covers are not to be left installed for extended periods of time especially when in contact with both a grounded and energized object.
Bus Guards are easily interlocked with each other. To interlock units, determine the length of bus to be covered.
Place one unit on the bus guard then the other, pulling it overthe first cover until the dimples interlock at the required length. This guard has a voltage rating of 36.6 kV*.
Bus “T” Guards interlock two or three bus guards atbus tap “T” connections and 90 degree angles. To interlockunits, first position the bus guard. Then, slide the “T” guardover the top and interlock the dimples. This guard has a voltage rating of 36.6 kV*.
Bus End Guards cover the ends of a substation bussupported by station post insulators. The slot and insulator grip hole can be easily enlarged in the field with a sharp knife. This cover also has a guide bead for a trim fit. This guard has a voltage rating of 26.4 kV*.
Switch Jaw Guards insulate the energized upper switch jaw and insulator when work is being done on the switch blade, lower insulator, or other de-energized equipment ahead of the open switch. These guards easily slide over the upper insulator on open substation switches and lock over the bus. Jaw Guards are made from Type I UV resistant plastic. Salisbury offers switch jaw guards rated at both 26.4 kV* and 14.6 kV*.
Switch Barriers slide between the last two skirts on the post or pin cap insulators of the substation disconnect switch. This locks the barrier in place. When switches are mounted back to back and work is needed on one switch, the barrier can be placed on the energized switch to form a visible, electrical, and mechanical barrier. Work can then be done on the opposite switch or other de-energized equipment. This guard has a voltage rating of 36.6 kV*.
*guarded Ø to guarded Ø
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