Saf-T-Climb 1
Saf-T-Climb 1
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Miller Saf-T-Climb™ Ladder System •This system provides total ladder climbing safety for workers on any site – above or below ground, straight or curved. •The round rail of the Saf-T-Climb™ makes dismounting easy and safe, with a removable extension for up climbs through a hatch, down climbs through a hatch and permanent dismounts.
Removable Ascending Hatch Dismount and Holder
•This dismount is removable to allow a hatch door to close. The dismount is stored in a holder at the top of the ladder.
Removable Descending Hatch Dismount
•This dismount is removable and installed when a worker needs to climb down.
Features & Benefits:
•Saf-T-Grip™ Shuttle – Any slip or fall is instantly stopped as the Saf-T-Grip™ Shuttle immediately locks onto the Saf-T-Notch™ rail as soon as there is a slip or fall
•Miller Saf-T-Climb™ Harness – The Miller Saf-T-Climb™ Harness was specifically designed for simplicity and comfort for use with the Saf-T-Climb™ ladder system
•Bayonet buckles allow easy single action for a secure connection
•The integral back/shoulder pad eliminates tangling of the harness straps, wicks away moisture, and provides all-day comfort
•Lumbar padding, single back D-ring, single front D-ring, two side D-rings and two shoulder D-rings are all included
•Instant compliance with OSHA climbing safety regulations
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