Self-Retracting Lifelines
Miller Twin Turbo System
Miller Twin Turbo System
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Key Features
- Replacement for double-legged shock-absorbing lanyards
- Innovativedesign that easily connects to the back D-ring of any fall protectionharness Increases worker productivity and versatility with freedom ofmovement – less restrictive than other units on the market
- Permits TurboLite PFLs to swivel in multiple directions for greatermobility: the swivel action prevents webbing from twisting and bindinginside of the unit
- Webbing payout smoothly extends/retracts without interruption
- Easy-to-use and assemble/disassemble
- Adapts to most Miller TurboLite PFL models
Recommended Industries/Use
- Construction
- Oil and Gas
- Wind Energy
- Fall from height
- EN 362 -
- OSHA 1926.502, 1910.66 -
- ANSI Z359-2007 & A 10.32 -
- CSA Z259.12-01 -
Warranty Information
Our state of the art equipment provides the criticaltool for worker protection, combining mobility with unsurpassed comfort.
At our ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities in Europe, we ensure that every Miller product is made inaccordance with the standards and meets your exacting requirements.
Data Sheet
Manuals and Guides
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