Self-Retracting Lifelines
Miller Retractable Web Lanyards
Miller Retractable Web Lanyards
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Available in 8-ft. and 10-ft. lengths of durable polyester webbing: Equipped with a Fall Indicator: in the event of a fall: to indicate when the unit has been subjected to fall arresting forces in the event of a fall and should be removed from service.
Compact and lightweight unit with built in top swivel provides enhanced comfort and user mobility.
Features & Benefits:
- Lightweight and Dependable
- Application
- Non-Leading Edge
- Self-Retracting Device Type
- Personal Fall Limiter
- Application
- Non-Leading Edge
- Self-Retracting Device Type
- Personal Fall Limiter
- Application : Non-Leading Edge|
- Self-Retracting Device Type : Personal Fall Limiter|
Data Sheet
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