SmartFit® Detectable
Detectable earplugs for long-term comfort. NRR 25
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- Conforming Material Technology™ adapts to the shape of the surrounding ear canal when in your ear
- Delivers superior comfort and a truly individual fit
- Blue color provides high visibility in detection
- Metal ring on stem detectable by automated equipment
Inspect: Prior to fitting, examine your earplugs for dirt, damage, deformation, or extreme hardness.
Discard: Discard immediately if earplugs are compromised.
Hygiene: Wash reusable earplugs with mild soap and warm water only. Pat dry with a towel and store when not in use. Do not treat with any other substances, as the earplugs may degrade and compromise effectiveness. With proper maintenance, reusable earplugs can be used daily for 2-4 weeks.
Fitting a reusable earplug:
- While holding the stem, reach a hand over your head and gently pull the top of your ear up and back.
- Insert the earplug so all flanges are well inside your ear canal.
- If properly fitted, the tip of the earplug stem may be visible to someone looking at you from the front.
Recommended industries/use:
- Food and Beverage Manufacturing
- Pulp and Paper
Manuals and Guides
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