Honeywell Bump Cap
Stay Safe. Stay in Style.
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Features & Benefits:
Ultimate protection
·........ Polypropylene shell for enhanced protection against contact with stationary objects
·........ Reflective side and back panels plus the front piping allow the bump cap to reflect light: providing increased visibility and improved safety
·........ Optional chin strap - even more protection: preventing the bump cap from falling off
Maximum comfort
·........ Internal ultra-soft foam: made of Polyurethane: provides extra comfort for extended wear
·........ Lightweight – 180g (0.4lb) - eliminating neck fatigue and increasing productivity
·........ Nylon mesh panels on the sides for maximum ventilation: no matter if you work indoors or outside
·........ Velcro® back closure adjustment for multiple head sizes (54 cm to 59 cm/6¾ to 7½ head circumference)
Stylish design
·........ New classy and sleek design protects against contact with stationary objects without sacrificing style
·........ Short peak brim (2.16 in) for better field of view
·........ Hand washable cap - the shell cover is made of fabric (35% Cotton: 65% Polyester)
·........ Available in five vibrant colors: red: blue: gray: black and orange
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