
    Transducteurs de pression

    Model 437

    Wing union pressure transducers. Wide aperture. 0 psi to 20,000 psi. ±0.2 % full-scale accuracy. Protective cage option


    Honeywell Models 435/437 Wing Union/Hammer Union Pressure Sensors are rugged devices designed for use with Weco® 1502 fittings for both offshore and land-based oil and gas applications. Available in two accuracy levels (±0.1 %FSS BFSL or ±0.2 %FSS BFSL), Models 435/437 are typically used in demanding applications such as well stimulation and circulation systems. The higher accuracy option (available on Model 435 only) at ±0.1 % full scale provides more confidence in the actual measured pressure value, particularly for smaller changes in pressure, allowing drilling operation adjustments as needed.

    Models 435/437 are constructed as an all-welded, stainless steel assembly with the sensor diaphragm and wing union fitting machined as one part. This helps provide hermetic integrity, which reduces the chance of media leakage vs. multi-piece parts, and increases reliability. The isolated pressure sensing diaphragm minimizes zero-shift during hammer up and eliminates long-term signal drift in the field. The Weco 1502 (50,8 mm [2 in]) Wing Union-compatible fittings are machined of Inconel® X-750, which provides additional durability with highly abrasive and corrosive media, while the Honeywell proprietary stainless steel electrical connection provides enhanced secondary pressure containment.

    Value to Customers
    • Durable: Weco® Wing Union-compatible fittings are machined of Inconel® X-750, or optional NACE-compliant Inconel® 718, allowing for use with abrasive and corrosive media. Protective cage option provides electrical connection protection.
    • Reliable: All-welded, stainless steel assembly, shock/vibration ratings, and isolated pressure sensing diaphragm increase reliability.
    • Accurate: High accuracy option provides confidence in the actual measured pressure value, particularly for smaller changes in pressure, allowing drilling operation adjustments as needed.
    • Availability and service: Global manufacturing and support allow Honeywell to quickly provide customized products, helping customers meet project timelines.
    • High or standard accuracy allow ability to obtain tighter system requirements and lower error bands than comparable competitive models
    • Shunt calibration option enhances configurability and flexibility: 1-wire shunt calibration is achievable with a single barrier application, helping to minimize installation costs
    • IEC Ex approval allows for use in hazardous areas, in Asia-Pacific and EMEA, and by the U.S. Coast Guard
    • Protective cage option
    • Welded construction
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