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    Systèmes d’appel
    Systèmes d’appel

    Systèmes d’appel

    Honeywell Intelligent Life Care call systems include components for duty and patient rooms, stand-alone call systems, corridor components, as well as central components.

    Honeywell Intelligent Life Care call systems provide a comprehensive solution for healthcare facilities, featuring a wide range of components to ensure seamless communication and patient safety. The system includes essential components for duty and patient rooms, allowing staff to respond efficiently to patient needs. It also offers stand-alone call systems for more localized applications and flexible deployment. Corridor components, such as visual and audible indicators, help staff quickly identify call locations, while central components serve as the communication hub, integrating all aspects of the system for real-time monitoring and management. Designed for hospitals, nursing homes, and other care facilities, Honeywell’s Intelligent Life Care call systems ensure fast, reliable communication, improving patient care and operational efficiency.

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