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    Emergency Services

    Protecting with pride

    Demanding Environments Pose Unique Risks

    Emergency responders and recovery workers must act fast, and they need to ensure their own safety before they can help others. Honeywell emergency services solutions offer comfort and ease of use, so workers can focus on saving lives.

    The Impact of Heat Stress in Firefighter Fatalities
    Firefighting is widely recognized as dangerous work, but not only because of burns caused by fires. Discover the impact of heat stress in firefighter…
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    How to Detect Atmospheric Hazards in Confined Spaces
    Poor air quality and hazards posed by asphyxiates and toxic gases are some of the most common hazards faced in a confined space. Learn how to identify them in…
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    Why resilient firefighters deserve equally tough PPE
    Firefighters face flashovers every time they battle a fire, knowing the limitations of their PPE. See why resilient firefighters deserve equally tough PPE.
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    A Partner for Successful Outcomes

    With more than 270 patents, we take great pride in our technological advancements when making PPE for first responders. We provide firefighters and EMTs with head-to-toe safety equipment, including gas detection solutions, durable boots and versatile, integrated turnout gear design.

    For virtually any need that calls you from the station, there’s a Honeywell boot to fit. And every one of our boots is backed by the most rigorous engineering – and a warranty to match.

    High-risk situations may also involve confined spaces. We’ve identified every confined space safety precaution needed and offer entrants, attendants and rescuers full protection, comfort and freedom of movement through our special protective clothing, respiratory and fall protection products for confined spaces. 

    This includes fall protection equipment, such as harnesses, overhead boom anchors, and fall limiters, as well as gas detection solutions.

    Reducing Carcinogen Exposure with PPE Design and Care
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    Taking Action Against Cancer in the Fire Service
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    First Aid Product Catalog
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    Why Every Stitch Counts at Honeywell's First Responder Business  

    Honeywell-DuPont FDIC 2020 Scholarship Program

    Blazing A New Path - A First Responder Story 

    Honeywell DuraHoist Arm System for Confined Space