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Things are heating up in construction

Honeywell’s portfolio of thermal solutions is a smart way to keep the building materials industry hot.

The building blocks of safety

Building materials provide the essential building blocks for all types of construction. It has become of vital importance to today’s economy. At Honeywell, we’re helping by effectively and consistently processing today’s unique building materials with Honeywell Thermal Solutions. We have a wide range of equipment, from burners that dry materials to burners that melt glass for fiberglass and all the controls required to make the process safe, reliable and sustainable. Check us out if you’re looking for thermal solutions. Our large global footprint allows us to distribute products to where you need them fast.



Tips on selecting a burner
Tips on selecting a burner
Consider these variables when evaluating burner solutions for your operations.
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Strict emission standards?
Strict emission standards?
Advanced burner and control solutions ensure minimal pollutant formation without sacrificing reliability or efficiency.
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Creation of a best-in-class safety program
Creation of a best-in-class safety program
We performed burner tuning, testing and inspection services for 20 sites at a US plant over a four-month period.
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Connect with a Honeywell Thermal Solutions Engineer

Talk to Honeywell to discover how our end-to-end thermal solutions and services can help you take the next step towards a smarter approach to
managing your solutions.
