
    Safety Software

    Honeywell Safety Software helps you keep track of your personal protective equipment (PPE) quickly, accurately and efficiently.

    The Backbone of our Cities

     Infrastructure projects require heavy-duty construction work. This exposes workers to unplanned events, such as falls, trips or slips, toxic dusts, loud noise and cut risks. Honeywell makes protective equipment your critical assets in the field, your workers.


    Connected Safety
    Honeywell connected safety solutions help you transform your safety protocol from reactive to proactive to always on. Keep your workers out of harm.
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    Safety Information Management
    Honeywell Safety Information Management solutions help you keep track of your personal protective equipment quickly, accurately and efficiently.
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    Mobile Apps & Online Tools
    Honeywell PPE mobile apps and online tools are designed to help you carry a work of safety information in your pocket and access it at any time.
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    Gas Detection Software & Firmware
    Honeywell gas detection software and firmware updates help you keep your products up and running with the most recent updates. Find the solution for your needs.
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    Stay Even More Connected

    With Honeywell Safety Suite, not only can you manage your PPE, but you can also manage your workers and ensure their safety on the job.

    Every Stitch Counts


    Assistant Fire Chief Wade White of the Los Angeles Fire Department paid a visit to our facility in Dayton, OH and reminded us exactly why the work we do and the PPE we manufacture is so important.

    Connected Worker Vision


    Learn more about the total connected worker approach.

    Introducing Safety Suite Real Time


    Learn more about our integrated software solution that monitors workers' exposure to gas, changes in vital signs, and ambient weather conditions in real-time.