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Electronic Earmuffs
Electronic Earmuffs

Electronic Earmuffs

Turn down the noise. Turn up the critical information and reduce NIHL risks to the minimum for every worker.

Turn Down the Noises. Turn up the Critical Information

Occupational noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) has long been a severe risk to workers and a significant challenge for safety professionals. Noise protection is a continuous process of hearing loss prevention; however, when wearing headsets, hearing critical information is essential.Therefore, Honeywell amplifies the level of your safety with innovative active and communication headsets, allowing your workers to hear important information – other co-workers, alarms and warning signals – to receive phone calls or listen to music.Reduce the noise hazards to safe levels allowing critical conversations and alarms with comfortable, excellent-fitting active and communication headsets. Improve your hearing conservation programs and reduce NIHIL risks to the minimum for each and every worker.

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