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Air Fed Suits
Air Fed Suits

Air Fed Suits

Honeywell Air-Fed Suits protect workers against hazards in nuclear, chemical or biological environments. Designed to ensure freedom of movement.

Surround Yourself With Safety. Enjoy the Freedom of Movement

Honeywell offers a range of Air-Fed suits to suit various needs and are the ideal solution for a range of applications including: protection against radioactive particles during shut-downs or maintenance operations in nuclear plants; handling chemical compounds in pharmaceutical industries; research on viruses laboratories.

In these environments, wearing high-quality protection is crucial for the safety of workers.

Honeywell air-fed suits are specifically designed to protect workers against hazards in nuclear, chemical, pharmaceutical and biological environments. The ventilated protective suits integrate respiratory protection and safety clothing to offer high-level protection and comfort.

Choose the air-fed gear that best suits your needs and benefit from an excellent visual field, freedom of movement, high adjustability and excellent air distribution inside the suit.

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