High Tech & Semiconductor
Vertexâ„¢ Multi-Point Toxic Gas Monitoring System
Vertexâ„¢ Multi-Point Toxic Gas Monitoring System
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Product Overview:
Up to 72 points of continuous gas detection. Vertex combines the most advanced Chemcassette, software and optics technologies into a flexible, easy-to-use, and reliable gas monitoring system.
Start your Vertex System with as little as eight points. As your monitoring needs change, Vertex expands, offering you up to 72 points of continuous gas detection. Place your sampling points up to 400 feet (120 meters) from the system. There is a choice of universal analyser modules and/or pyrolyzer analyzers.
Vertex offers powerful, built-in system redundancy as standard equipment toeffectively safeguard against downtime.
- Back-up pump and internal power module
- Chemcassette® technology provides physical evidence of gas event
- System data back-up. If main data acquisition PC fails, analyzers continue to monitor, log data and alarm
- Drip resistant cap for system protection from overhead leaks
- Automated leak test with line integrity option
Easy to use:
- Touch screen for easy access to data
- Software updates via CD-ROM or network to all system components
- Configuration profile editing and data retrieval are all achievable without taking unit offline
- Radio frequency identification tag (RFID) ensures Chemcassettes are installed into appropriately programmed analyzer, eliminating human error
- On-line help system
- Multiple levels of password protection
- Reconfigure security setup without taking unit offline
- Vertex’s smaller footprint and greater density of points reduce your cost per point
- Eight points per analyser lowers Chemcassette® costs
- Maximized 72 point systems provide low cost per point as compared to other continuous monitor
- One system monitors up to nine gas families and more than 40 gases
- You can split your sample to more than one analyzer
- Vertex uses cost-effective XP Chemcassettes®, providing up to three months of continuous monitoring
- Simplified replacement of Chemcassettes® and automated optics verification
- No dynamic calibration required
- No flow balancing
- Easy access to analyzers, pumps, power supplies and touch screen from front panel
- Onscreen interactive electronic manual with integral video
- Built-in configurable PLCs with optional 176 relay contacts
- Standard OPC interface for easy integration into your existing factory automation system or HMI
- Optional Ethernet/CIP, LonWorks®, DeviceNetTM, DF1 Interface, Profibus, Modbus Plus, Modbus/TCP, ControlNet, or isolated 4-20mA outputs available
- Optional Chemcam camera permits viewing of stain, locally or remotely, for proof of gas event. Image is electronically saved for future retrieval.
- Optional remote control/viewing software enables total visualization of the monitor screens at a remote PC.
- Touch screen for easy data access
- Low cost of ownership with Chemcassettes
- One systems monitors up to 9 gas families/more than 40 gases
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