Hearing Protection Accessories
VeriShield™ Smart Hearing Solution (VSHS)
Monitor: analyze and detect hazards. Prevent Hearing Loss Before It Happens.
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Monitor: analyze: and detect hazards before hearing loss appears. Upgrade your safety program with VeriShield Smart Hearing Solution (VSHS).
Combining cloud-based software and connected: protective headsets: VSHS monitors noise levels in real-time: helping you identify risks before they become a health issue or a significant business cost. There are three complementary components which make up the VSHS solution: 1) Safety Suite Web Portal: 2) VeriShield Mobile App: 3) VeriShield 300 Series Headsets.
Headsets are available in three styles : over-the-ear headband: and hard hat attached and in-ear: to allow you to choose the device best suits your needs.
A simple subscription service will allow you to benefit from all the components of the solution.
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