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Gas Detection solutions keeping LNG facilities safe

Gas detection solutions keeping LNG facilities safe

As the demand for global natural gas continues to grow and the development of efficient liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities and infrastructure grows accordingly, Honeywell understands how critical mitigating risk is at your LNG facility. Honeywell provides a wide range of flame and gas detection solutions to help LNG facilities remain safe, operate efficiently and improve productivity.

Our goal is to help you ensure that all LNG process, facilities and workers are safe and operate efficiently every day. Honeywell’s flame and gas detector solutions support that mission by addressing the complete LNG value chain, from upstream/gas field production, transportation, liquefaction, shipping, storage and regasification to distribution to the user. Honeywell has long-term experience in this growing market; with our new and innovative technologies and expertise, we can provide the right solution for every process.

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Fixed Gas Detection Solutions
