
    Sensores Magnéticos

    2SS52M Series

    Omnipolar magnetoresistive. U-Pack, SOT-89B packages. 25 G max. operate


    The 2SS52M Series Digital Magnetoresistive Sensors are omnipolar, solid-state sensors with a built-in magnetoresistive bridge integrated on silicon and encapsulated in a plastic package. The integrated circuit also includes a band-gap regulator and a digital output in response to very low magnetic fields.

    These sensor ICs may be operated with either a North or a South magnetic pole applied in parallel to the sensor IC. The polarity does not need to be identified, simplifying installation in single pole applications and doubling the resolution in rotating magnet applications.

    These small and highly sensitive omnipolar devices have become a popular building block for flow metering, motor RPM and cylinder position sensing.

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